Logistics and transports are our life, only what one likes, he makes good. For SRC Logistics GmbH Quality is more than just a word.
Achievements of our clients requires are our benchmark. With the realization of the ever-changing market, we want to be a solid, flexible and reliable partner who is always adapting to the changes in customers requirements like legal framework and social demands.
corporate philosophy
As a multicultural organization we think and act globally and locally. Perform services with guaranteed characteristics, functionality and flexibility, are ready for changes and improvements and we are aware that once the benefits from former days- not a guarantee of successful tomorrow.
Besides a comprehensive account investment policy, with economic and ecological aspects, our team is multilingual and covers the European market.
The advantage for our customers is that we drive a lot of transport in self-admission.
Transport and forwarding services
For transport services, national and international road freight CMR rules combined with AÖSp. For Freight Forwarding services exclusively apply the General Austrian Forwarders Conditions (AÖSp), the latest edition, published in the Official Vienna Gazette.